Monday, June 24, 2013

Volver, Volver (To Come Back, To Come Back)

I downloaded a song over the weekend called, Volver, Volver by Buika.  The smokiness of her vocals lured me to iTunes upon a friends recommendation.  How apropo is the title of that song because today I got back on the mat after a 4 day break from asana.

The achiness I had been experiencing after Mysore practice had become barely noticeable recently, but is back today after such a long break.  Knowing that this would happen, I planned my work wardrobe accordingly.  It's not easy to conduct a normal stride in fitted suits and heels when the muscle groups responsible for keeping me upright are on the rebound.   With summer attendance officially in effect here at work, no one is around today to bear witness to my flowy, flat-footed outfit choice.  However, The Weaver did express concern for my shaky legs at the bathroom sink this morning.

This past 4 days my morning sadhana consisted of studying part 2 (Asana) of Kino's book in-depth and reading Ashtanga blogs.   Backing into things as I do, I'm ordering Yoga Mala this week from Amazon.  Meanwhile, there is plenty to study in Kino's manual that I have been applying to my asana practice since her book arrived in the mail a few weeks ago.

One cue in particular that Kino mentions often has finally resonated with me and that is dropping the femurs into the pelvis.  Awareness and subsequent application of this movement on a more consistent basis opened the portal to the release of my spine,  low back and surprisingly my groin muscles.  It was a subtle yet powerful practice changer and when it first happened in a down dog that Keith assisted me in he remarked,"There it is."

As much as I enjoy the rediscovery of my body through asana, nothing beats the Ashtanga Vinyasa ritual in its entirety.   Although I'm not there in practice yet, I am reading a lot about pranayama beyond ujayii in blogs and I've cracked open the Yoga Sutras again.   Another discovery - this one new - was  Saturday practice.  Currently, I simply have quiet time on Saturdays, but starting next Saturday I'll figure in the Castor Oil bath.

On a visit to Rishikesh India in 2009 I had an ayurvedic oil bath and massage.  Since then I've only been treated to some lovingly prepared potions from a budding Ayurvedic; the detoxifying affects which I've found amazingly restorative and essential.  Sadly, that equates to only a few treatments in about 4 years.  Now I get to do this weekly!!!  I'll post more about this in about a month.

As I return to the sameness of Primary in Mysore practice day after day, I discover so many new things.

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