In led full primary class, Keith took us through full vinyasa. What this means is that instead of jumping through to seated after each asana, you jump feet between hands and come to standing. In this class, we jumped through to seated between sides within the interest of time. It took about 3 asanas for my head to disengage from the habit of doing jumpbacks every time, and it was about that many times for everyone else too. After that, my body registered a new understanding of resting while in samasthiti.
In the 75 minutes, we made it up to navasana and proceeded to urdhva dhanurasana. Wheel was like a long, tall drink of cool water after all those forward folds. Full vinyasa is not part of a daily practice because of the time it adds, however partially incorporated can increase heat and strength. I noticed that it brought additional awareness to my breath and to the moment of rest, which samasthiti offers.
I teach a Saturday morning class to a group of yogis who enjoy the ashtanga tradition and I feel an opportunity for all of us
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