This week I changed my look up a bit and got a new working girl do. It was time to play with my creative side and have some fun. The funny thing was that people at work didn't recognize my transformed look! It was funny at first, but then I gave it some thought, and as I reflected about my inner transformation over these past few years, through divorce, a job change and a relocation, I saw that my life took a 360 which created many new possibilities for me. Necessary inner transformation only happened once I began to make some very unreasonable decisions. I've moved to an awesome place, taught yoga full time for 2 1/2 years and met some wonderful and very special people.
In a recent coaching session (yes you heard me) I learned that it's through being unreasonable that I have the ability to create an incredible life. Unreasonable in the sense of thinking and making decisions that take me out of what is comfortable, predictable, safe. I've found that by maintaining status quo, i.e. what others expect me to do leads to more of the ordinary life without transformation and impact. Maya Angelou said that "We only have one life to live that we know of..." and at the end of mine, I don't want to look back and think, I did what everyone expected. Wow, is this IT?
The people I most admire and quite frankly even the television shows I most enjoy feature people who think and act in ways that I consider unreasonable. This is not a bad thing - in fact, I want to be around these people as much as possible. I've found that life is limited only because of reasons: I shouldn't leave my marriage because it's not that bad; I shouldn't take a huge pay cut because I'm afraid to restrict my spending, I shouldn't walk away from a house I purchased because it's my dream home. Nothing ever changes that way. Making decisions contrary to these reasonable stances opened a world of new possibilities for me which have made me happier beyond my imagination and yes in some cases made me deeply afraid and uncomfortable inside and out. However, everything changed and I've been exposed to experiences in life I wouldn't trade for anything. I've moved on again in my professional life as a transformed person, one who would not have been able to make a successful transition in her previous, safe state. Personally, my relationships continue to grow richer. Now this is living.
Beautifully stated, Jess! Being unreasonable can be a good thing, it makes us so much stronger!! And, hey, I noticed your new look right away. You look gorgeous, I love the straight hair! I won't show my Sarah, though, as she will want it too! :)