Monday, November 7, 2011

A Few Things

In some sort of order, here are some things I keep in mind in each class and in general.

1. Let there be silence. I take a few minutes at the start of class to walk around in silence because it speaks volumes to me about who is in the room and my own vibe.

2. “Teach who is in front of you”. –Dr. Judith H. Lasater. No matter what sequence I’m contemplating, it will either go forward with changes or be totally tossed.

3. Let go. I like to share experiences, music and readings that I think students might find interesting and will help them to get lost in their practice.

4. Give students what they need, nothing more and nothing less. Information overload leads to a busy, scattered and confused brain. Not enough information leads to a busy, scattered and confused brain. (see #2)

5. Smile. Say something funny. It feels good and it releases endorphins.

6. Don’t underestimate people’s interests. It wasn’t until 5 years into my own yoga practice that I was exposed to topics outside of asana and ujayii breathing. Teacher training opened a whole new world of topics for me and I currently teach anatomy, pranayama, meditation and Sanskrit to my basics and all levels classes.

7. Trials and triumphs test and train the mind, on and off the mat.

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