Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Missing Curfew

I was doing so good!  Getting to bed by 10 PM and waking up without the alarm just a few minutes before 5 AM.  But with the arrival of April and warm weather, I've been more energized at night, and missing bedtime curfew.  The first time this happened I was able to still wake for mysore, albeit not on my own.   Sure of an early retirement the following evening, I missed bedtime again.  It was a slippery slope.  Saturdays brought a respite from my insubordination but not much because I still had to wake to teach and could have used a few more hours of sweet sleep.

Stepping back from all of this it seems that April, my birth month, has always been a coming out time for me.  Winters' caving tendencies are broken once flowers push through cool soil.  Evening dinner outings after a full day of activity have replaced couch and movie theater time.   Yet my commitment to mysore will stand as I figure out how to incorporate my body's spring rhythm without pushing myself to exhaustion.  I ask other ashtangis how they deal with the ebb and flow of a seasonal body rhythm?  It governs me, so instead of fighting it I will seek to find a way for it to coexist with  my practice.  So for starters this means that for this season, I will have to rely on my alarm to wake.

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