Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Patricks' Day Obervance

I slept in till 8 AM this morning, and made my way to the living room around 8:30 AM for practice.  Though it was nice to sleep in, I really didn't need to, it just felt good to languish.  In keeping with the tone of stretching things out, I practiced more of primary this morning since I don't have to be anywhere today until 1:30 PM.  I noticed that after taking yesterday off, standing twists and marichyasana C&D were difficult.  The Weaver has taken to accompanying me during sun salutations and seems quite amused with herself in the process, laying right in my path.  Admittedly, she helps me to be mindful as I move forward, back and down.   This is especially challenging  because Mona Lisa is also vocal while I prefer  silence; however, I will accept her languishing beneath me and mewing to her extending pointed claws into my black mat - which has happened once already.

Besides the technical aspects I noticed about today's practice, given that Saint Patrick's Day is dedicated to drink, I have one broad observance to share.  I have had no taste for alcohol since beginning regular mysore.  Prior to changing my practice, I would enjoy a glass of wine at home a couple times a week and would meet up with friends to relax and sip.   Since I started getting up just before 5 AM 5 days a week, I find that I am naturally relaxed in the evening only craving dinner.   This doesn't explain why I don't want to drink on the weekends though, so I have no educated guess for that.  I'll have to look into this further, for I'm sure there's something chemical involved here and maybe some of you who have had a similar experience can chime in.

One thing I do crave are my daily smoothies, green or not they fortify me.    My most recent being the Berry Delicious Smoothie.  Although it's got a lot of fruit, which I don't prefer because of the sugar I didn't feel the glucose overload hit my system:

1 cup frozen pineapple

1 ripe banana

1 cup blueberries

1/3 cup cranberries

1/2 cup ice cubes

(I added some coconut milk after this picture was taken although the recipe doesn't call for it.  The blender does better when there's a liquid ingredient)

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